Monday, April 25, 2011

Hey Gandhi are you up there???

shh listen,
do you here it?
do you hear my screams?
do you hear me shout my dreams?
through that closed door you call a home.
out side the gate is where i Rome.
i keep forgetting to tell you i need help.
but you keep forgetting to care about other people
then just your self.
i blame you for the way i am...
but is it really your fault i came closed up like a clam?
when will we own ourselves completely?
maybe when i let go of the fight in me...
so Gandi are you really up there?
because people everywhere are giving up with out a care.
is this really what you wanted when you said,
world peace!
because i don't think this war will ever cease.
but tonight is not the last time I'll see the light.
cuz i know i will fight for whats right.