Sunday, May 1, 2011

shake the dust

This is for the pillow screamers,
the cutters,
the dreamers.
This is for the private criers,
the unbelievers,
the leavers.
This is for the fighters,
the moms who never give up on there children
cuz they saw so much more.
The dads who try so hard,
but when Christmas come around,
they don't even get a card....
shake the dust
This is for the friendless,
the ones with disappearing potential,
the broken hearted.
This is for the song singers.
giving there heart and soul,
to another.
shake the dust
This is for the runners,
the shunners,
this is for you, so shake the dust.
This is for the punked & the ones who punk them,
This is for the strong,
the God believers,
the holy keepers.
This is for those step kids,
who lost there best friend.
The step parents who don't even have a prayer.
shake the dust
This is for my sister,
the sister who lost it all.
who looked at me for protection but i ran.
The sister who sits alone in a room full of no one.
shake the dust
and when it gets dirty. shake that dang thing again!


  1. Great closing lines about your sister. The sister who sits alone in a room full of no one. I don't know why I like that line so much.

  2. wow!! i really like that!! i really liked the end! it was intense! i could almost feel the pain of your sister, and the pain you have for your sister. that is good writing!

  3. Where has this blog been all year long? I feel like I just discovered a gem in a pile of mexican diarrhea. I like your posts. I am a new fan.
