Friday, March 18, 2011

Love is....

Love is a roller coaster. You will always have ups and downs. Some parts of life is more exciting then other parts. Love is a sun set. Beautiful, and it always comes back around. It shines into your heart letting you feel its warmth. Love is you and me. We make life go the way we want it too. love is a game with no rules. Sometimes you get played by those who know how to play the game. Love is more then just learning how to let go, its about letting in change. Giving chance a try. Letting hope back into your life. Love is not starting over, but learning from your mistakes. Love is knowing you will mess up but having the courage to try again. Love is that voice that says don't give in. Love is not always pretty. But nobody said it was easy

1 comment:

  1. "Love is not starting over, but learning from your mistakes. Love is knowing you will mess up but having the courage to try again. Love is that voice that says don't give in. Love is not always pretty. But nobody said it was easy" I enjoy this part of your entry. I agree that love is a challenge. It isn't fun at times as well. Great writing!
